The idea of making money by uploading and sharing files was developed not very long ago, it was the time when RapidShare owners got their first competitors.
These days several dozen of free data hosting websites could be found on the Internet and FileSonic is one of them. The main feature of this service is to allow users to host their files for free and be able to spread them all over the Internet easily and with no problems. support all file extensions to be uploaded to their service, the only restrictions are the file size (free accounts up to 400 Mb and premium account holders can share files up to 2Gb) and the theme of downloaded files, it is illegal to share copyrighted files and files, which comply with FileSonic’s terms of service.
All files of documents uploaded to FileSonic could be accessed only with a help of a special link, this link will be given to you, when the process of uploading of your files is fully accomplished. In order to share your file you have to send this link to the person you need, or share it on your blog or on any forum you like.
On the other hand, sharing download links could make you a lot of money, if you decide to participate in their paid to upload partnership program.
Right now FileSonic offers up to $60 for every 1000 files downloaded (terms apply here, check out their official website to see how everything works). The great thing is that FileSonic gives us a chance to make use of several free ways of making money with data sharing.
You can decide either to receive money for every visitor download, or collect the percentage of money generated by your visitors. With FileSonic you can decide between various free ways of earning money, I don’t want to list all of them here, because it will take a lot of time.
Apart from sharing files for money, with FileSonic you can easily refer your friends to this paid to upload website and receive %20 of the money they make (good deal as for me). Finally, the minimum amount of money needed to cashout is $15, which shouldn’t be extremely hard to reach.
FileSonic looks like an awesome free tool for making money by uploading files online, feel free to try it and leave your comments/ideas about paid data sharing.